We seem to be slowly, but surely, getting lives. For real. Ali is past 40,000 of her 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo and functioning socially on a level that has been lost to her for years. I’m trying to figure out what’s the next step for me professionally, but I am ready physically to work part time, also functioning on a level beyond anywhere I’ve been for years. We are both solidly above 80 KPS points for the last couple of weeks. I was out and about yesterday for five hours during which I pretty much didn’t feel sick. That isn’t the norm (yet?), but it is possible.
I don’t experience the improvement day to day, or even week to week, but in two to three month increments, it is obvious. The instabilities are damping out. The ground is more stable, reliable. Even the power of our once constant companion- push/crash seems diminished. Stress tolerance is much improved.
Actos has been very helpful for me. It seemed to provide definite cause and effect improvement across a range of inflammatory symptoms (see last post which discusses my rationale for trying it).
I haven’t wanted to write about this until I was sure, because it seems so unlikely. I’ve had a severe peripheral neuropathy for six years. The associated pain nearly destroyed me. It is dramatically improved in the last three to four months. A lot of the time now, I don’t have anything that I would call more than paresthesias. I was hopeful of learning to live well with pain, but not of having it get so much better. In fact, it was the last symptom I expected to improve. Michael Snyderman, oncologist with CLL, on antiretrovirals, has also experienced a dramatic reduction of his neuropathic pain. This is astonishing to me.